Ok, that is not me. I'm better defined a clutter bug, a pack rat - definitely not a hoarder, but I do have a psychological attachment to material objects. Not every luxurious or expensive items - in fact that is pretty unimportant. Just as you fall in love with a person I have chemistry with things as well. It's not something I am proud of, but it is me. Despite this - there are lines to be drawn - and I want to dig ditches in the sand.
There's no need for 4 lotions, 2 toothbrushes, piles of unhung empty frames. My paper work needs to be sorted and the important stuff needs to be filed, the rest needs to see the green machine (newly named garbage can - I just did that, impressive). For the frames sitting and waiting to be hung - Where, oh where, is a drill that will go through my walls? I don't need to buy everything on sale, I don't need to buy something because I like it... but I don't know how to say no.
Beyond even this, I want to be able to detach my self from old memories. I don't want to rid myself of all... but there is no need for that coffee cup I filled with my first cup of beer in a public space at Pridefest almost 10 years ago... or do I... Look at that memory, kept physically in a box, I'll never forget it! Ok - maybe that one I can keep - maybe I can keep all my keepsakes, maybe I just need a bigger and better box to store them away in.
Maybe not only decluttering but organizing as well - they are definitely the right and left hands of a peaceful serene mind. This is something I must master,
Step one?: http://www.declutterhouse.com/
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